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Animal feed mixing machine and poultry feed mixer machine on sale


1.Less than 3% mixing uniformity
2.Mixing time is 45-60 s/time mixing speed
4.Less than 0.1% residual rate

Main Features:
1, Widely used by many materials in different industries. The effective capacity is large. It can add many liquid such as water, molasses, oil and fat, etc.
2, With high quality. Working steadily, mixing with low noise, and will not destroy the characters of the raw materials.
3, With high efficiency. The mixing time is short, only(45-60 second/time), the mixing uniformity is less than 3%, and with low electronic consumption.
4, With less residue. With the special technical patent of the overall length of crusher chute with double door, the outputs is large and the speed is fast, which reduce the residue.

Main advantages:
1, We have technical department to provide professional guidance.
2, We have different level animal feed mixer machines for different clients choice.
3, We can design feed producing line as your request, and provide installing guidance.

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Miembro Gratis desde 02/09/2013

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