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3 1/2 Inch OD Drill Pipe Grade S135 15.50 PPF C/W HB & IPC applied when new NC38 Conn R2


Ad Type: For Sale or Lease
Location: North America
Price: By Email Request
Condition: Premium Used Double White Band Inspected

Equipment Description: 3 1/2" OD Drill Pipe Grade S-135 15.50 PPF, NC38 API 3 1/2" IF Conn, Comes with existing hardbanding and internal plastic coating applied when new, mfg as per API 5D specs, comes with HD plastic thread protectors, with inspection report.

Qty: 42,000 FT

Beside this we have full line of drill strings and OCTG items for sale & rental.

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Miembro Gratis desde 23/01/2014

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