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VALENTE RODRIGUES FERNANDES ADVOGADOS "VRF LAW 'is a boutique office of legal advisory services in addition to supply chain and logistics consultancy.
Our goal is to be recognized as an effective strategic partner of our clients in managing their business in Brazil and abroad, through personalized service, to increase their competitiveness and legal security.
We also have a consultancy specialized in Supply Chain Management and Foreign Trade for clients who want to optimize the distribution of products and services, import or export.

The construction of our professional trajectory is based on solid ethical principles and personalized service to our clients.

 BUSINESS - Focusing on the individual and personalized structures of each client, we use our legal potential in order to create intelligent solutions for the business if possible and safe.
 COMPETENCIES - Trained professionals with experience in business, accounting, financial, auditing, compliance and strategic negotiations, adding in-depth business knowledge.
 COMMITMENT - We seek excellence, with focus and responsibilities in the works elaborated by our office.

Our pillar of performance is in the interests of our clients, everything is executed by our professionals with expertise in various areas and legal intelligence to facilitate business.

Datos del Vendedor


Miembro Gratis desde 01/06/2017

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