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BR 22 Broco Cutting Torch


Torch for Submaribe Cut

The Brocco Cutting Torch

The Brocco Oxy-Arc Cutting Torch is an entirely new concept in cutting torch desing it represents the ultimate in diver efficiency, conford and safety. The Brocco Torch is recognizedinmany different industries as an excepcional, versatile cutting tool.
Its use for cutting sheet pilinng and structural steel is finding increasing avcceptance in demolition where fast efficient cutting is required.And importand exclusive feature designed into the torchis the provision for oxygenflow at deepths greater than normally encountered, when used in conjunction with Brocco HVR-4400 High-Volume Oxygen Regulator and the Brocco Ultra-ThermicCutting Rod

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Miembro Gratis desde 22/12/2010

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