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Clamp plastic nozzle (adjustable ball) with single clip eyelet

Clamp  plastic nozzle (adjustable ball) with single clip eyelet


clamp size: 11/2",11/4"
hole dia: D14.D15.D16.D18.D20

clamp nozzle (adjustable ball) features a large and free passage inlet aperture. The aperture of nozzle body is 14~25 mm. Reduce downtime and improve producing efficiency The largest pipe can be clip-on is 4", Spray capacity can be 790L/Min under 3Bar. Material: metal or plastic Clamp dimension: 1-1/4"~4" Spray angle:15~95degree

spray tip can be flat fan and full cone,

the flow rate is depend on what tip you choose

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Miembro Gratis desde 11/12/2013

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