Esta máquina es de nuestra última tecnología en el área de la soldadura de canastillas.
Máquina de soldadura de soldar canastillas para filtros de ma...
Excellent performance in flat and horizontal position with either 75%Ar-25%CO2 gas mixture or 100%CO2.
Easy slag removal greatly reduces the cleaning...
MAJOR USES: MONEL alloy 400 to itself, to low-alloy and carbon steels, to copper and copper-nickel alloys; surfacing of steels.
High strength (>760MPa) martensitic stainless steel with better resistance to corrosion, hydro-cavitation, sulphide-induced SCC, and good sub-zero tou...
Sin soldadura Protoboard y cable de puente Una tira terminal, Atar-punto 630 2 tiras de distribución, puntos de lazo 200 Dimensiones: 165x56x8.5mm Mat...
GTAW rod for creep resistant, quenched and tempered 12% Cr steels in turbine and boiler fabrication and in the chemical industry. Preferably used for ...
Excellent for use on Type 301, 302, 304, 305 and 308 base metals. It is specially formulated with more than .04 carbon to provide maximum elevated tem...
Designed for welding type 308L base metals with low or medium carbon content. The electrode itself has a low carbon content to prevent carbide precipi...