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JFG - Capacitores Metalizados Axiais com Filme de Poliéster & Polipropileno


Jb Capacitors manufactures Axial Metallized Polyester &Polypropylene Film Capacitor. JFG include 4 sub series, JFGA Axial Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor (CYCLOIDAL); JFGB Axial Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor (FLAT OVAL SHAPE); JFGC Axial Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor (CYCLOIDAL); JFGD Axial Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor (FLAT OVAL SHAPE).
• JFG is constructed with metallized polyester film or metallized polypropylene film as medium and electricode, wrapped and sealed with flame-retardant plastic and epoxy resin.
• With high reliability, high temperature-resistance, small volume, large capacity and good self-healing property.
• Mainly used in instruments and the DC &AC circuit of the household equipment and the fractional frequency circuit of acoustics system.

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Miembro Gratis desde 08/10/2018

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