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KT19 series 470HP Marine Cummins Engine

KT19 series 470HP Marine Cummins Engine


General Engine Data:
Engine Model:KT19-M(470HP marine cummins engine)
Use:Commercial propulsion
Fuel System:PT
Advertised Power:351kw(470hp)@1800rpm
Fuel system:
Fuel consumption:litre/hr(GPH) 88.4(23.4)
Approximate Fuel Flow to Pump:litre/hr(GPH) 265(70)
Fuel Rail Pressure Range:kPa(PSI)827(120)
Air system:
Intake Manifold Pressure:mm Hg(in.Hg) 940(37)
Intake Air flow:litre/sec(CFM) 497(1054)
Heat rejection to Ambient:kw(BTU/min) 52(3000)
Minimun Ambient Temperature for cold start (No Aids):℃℉ 4(40)
Exhaust system:
Exhaust Gas flow(after turbine):litre/sec(CFM) 1337(2850)
Exhaust Gas Temperature(after turbine):℃℉ 532(990)
Cooling system:
Heat rejection to Engine Coolant:kw(BTU/min) 342(19500)
Engine water flow:litre/min(GPM) 648(171)
Raw water flow:litre/min(GPM) 405(107)
Pressure Cap Rating w/heat exchanger:kPa(PSI) 103(15)
Offer More CUMMINS Engine:
KT19 365HP;KT19 380HP;KT19 425HP;KT19,470HP CUMMINS Marine Engine
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KTA19 700HP CUMMINS Engine.
275N CE approval inflatable life jacket
CO2 fire extinguishing system
Marine horizontal/vertical oil fired boiler
Marine air compressor
marine centrifugal pump
marine hydraulic steering gear
Hydraulic capstan
Tunnel thruster/bow thruster

Datos del Vendedor


Miembro Gratis desde 29/07/2013

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