Bulldozer is an engineering vehicle, the front is equipped with a large metal bulldozing knife . put down the bulldozing knife when using. cutting b...
Chemshun Alumina Ceramic Tile with hexagon are used as lining with advantage of
wear-resisting, impact resisting, easy operation, etc., is ideal sur...
Standard Pressure Gauge(Manometer,manómetro) measures the pressure or vacuum of gas, liquid and vapor not corrosive to copper, steel and al...
Hydraulic davit device
The device is based on the latest SOLAS amendments and the rules of international life-saving appliance (LSA)&IMO,MSC.81(70) ...
La plataforma de perforación es una mensula triangular de acero, sin propulsión. Diseñada para operar con una profundidad de agua de 160 pies, y la pr...
Alquiler de grúas, montacargas, camión grua, toldos, motosoldadores
Austin Engineering Perú S.A.C, una empresa líder con más de 30 años de experienci...