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Quinoa Grain


INCA HEALTH proudly introduces our Quinoa Grain. The botanical name of our Quinoa is Chenopodium Quinoa. The real 'Mother Grain' of our Peruvian Andes, is naturally grown on small family plots at over 12,000 feet in the Andes Mountains.
INCA HEALTH proudly introduces our Quinoa Grain. The botanical name of our Quinoa is Chenopodium Quinoa. The real 'Mother Grain' of our Peruvian Andes, is naturally grown on small family plots at over 12,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. These grains were the staple food of Inca Empire and it is known that quinoa initiated cultivation as far as more than 5,000 years ago in our Andean Mountains.

Why to try Quinoa? There are at least 5 good reasons:

Quinoa is Good source of protein

Quinoa is Loaded with minerals and vitamins

Quinoa is Ideal for vegetarian and diabetic people

Quinoa is Gluten Free

Quinoa is easy to cook

The Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) of the United Nations rated the nutritional quality of quinoa's protein similar to casein (milk protein). It is a healthy whole grain.

Quinoa Grain

is the best option for raw grain cooking, as soups, side dishes accompanying fish, meat or poultry, hot and cold salads and its quantity increases after cooking the grains. Our Inca Quinoa cooks in just 12 minutes!

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Miembro Gratis desde 02/09/2010

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