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Warensicherung,antitaccheggio, sensor tag,security labels,sensormatik,eas tag,EAS tags,sensormatic detacher


We are source tagging suppliers in China.

Our products are Acoustic Magnetic label and Radio Frequency label, it compatible with all existing security systems.

Source tagging is the application of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) labels into products or packaging during the manufacturing or packaging process. with the world's largest and most comprehensive programs. Products cover all categories, from hard goods to soft goods. Hundreds of retailers representing more than 25,000 locations receive source tagged products, and thousands of manufacturers provide source tagged goods to these retailers.

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electronic article surveillance EAS epc hard tag source tagging retail equipment retail security 58khz AM label tag 8.2mhz against theft non-woven label Anti-theft solutions Checkpoint soft label Acoustic Magnetic Radio Frequency UPP shrinkage loss prevention Anti-theft label Anti-shoplifting antitheft products sticker label rfid safers security equipment security labels security system security tags sensor sensormatic secrity tags shoplifting smart label

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Miembro Gratis desde 12/05/2014

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